Thursday, July 20, 2006

Chickens, Cats and Krakens

Day before yesterday I skipped UNI just to go for my drivers license examination. Was a breezy morning and I was sleepy yet anxious to finish the test ASAP. As soon as i got there....I waited there till they called my number. After being called....I registered and went to the Hill Climb , Three point turn and Side parking testing area.

As i reached the Hill Climb area, i could see a few of the guys and girls testing already....most of them failed that part, but the funniest(yet serious) is when this middle aged indian lady went up the hill...went down....quickly turn to the left and crashed into another vehicle. The lady just came out of the car like nothing and went to take her results. OMG...if it were me...i'll just screw my results and go home and wait for a re-sitting of the exam.

Anywayz....the exams went well for me. I passed all the Hill Climb, Side Parking and Three-Point-Turn. I did it normally and continued with the 'On the road' test. This one was kinda funny. The reason is because that while i was driving a few metres, this chicken crossed the road. So to not kill the chicken(which i was actually intending not to) I braked infront of the it time to cross. Well...that wasn't the only thing that crossed my path, a Cat also crossed....but i didn't have time to i did a quick left turn and back to the main road by doing a quick right turn again. Luckily the JPJ dude didn't fail me for driving like that. So my conclusion for animals while ur being tested = Trying to make u fail ur driving license exam.

Well....after i finished my exam, i quickly rushed over to MV to meet up wid my UNI mates to watch the movie Pirates of the carribean 2. My summary of the movie is that, never mess with a kraken and that HOW THE HELL BARBAROSSA CAME BACK?!

hahaha...well....after that we went home...and rested b4 my Speech.. -.-

Signing off,

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