Friday, December 28, 2007

New Years Resolution

I'm sure alot of ppl will think up of new years resolutions and not accomplish them. Unless its because of a close friend they accomplish it we do not know.

But I for one will accomplish my new years resolution...hopefully. LOL.

The 1st,

Listening more often to advices from above. Of course parents la, not to mention any advice that God tells me to do. I've not been listening alot lately and i really need to improve on that.

Secondly, i'm sure i'll need to improve on my studies. One thing is because, i have been slacking during my Foundation year and i don't want that to happen to me during my degree.

There are more that i've created, but only willing to accomplish these two 1st as u can see its more of completing that creating. Quality over quantity...some shit like that.

There is one last new years resolution...that is to be myself. Soon, i'll need to go on soul searching again. Haven't been myself lately.....

Signing off,

PS : Sory to all who worry about me...i shall be better soon.

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