Monday, November 10, 2008

Definition of Love

Few days back, my friend had a funny definition of Love... HE said, "Guys only know how to follow the stick, if point up, then ma love lor.."

So, i took a quick survey of my friends and this is what they said :

LM : I am a cancer(Horoscope) girl, so cancer always wants to be secure...

Kevin : love is when the reason you chose that person over the thousand and million other prettier girls in the world

Andy : really? i dono depends kwa....there's one line thats nicec larh "true love never has a happy ending, because true love never ends"

Grace : love is when u still accept the person for who they are
instead of stepping weaknesses...they help them overcome and going through wateve circumstances together no matter wat

Angela : Its complicated

From the internet : poke and run..

Daniel : Love is color when your mortality seems black and white
Love is a rose when The rest of the world are thorns in your side
Love is the sweet taste of hope when life's journey turns bitter
Love is a lullaby when the voices you hear only deter
Love is the comforting embrace that brings your heart peace
That's what love is

June : Love is when i look at him and i can see every part of my future with him. Bad and good.
Love is when i wake up next to him and smell his bad breath but still love him. err..sorry take a bit long..dont know how to put it in wordsss..Love is when i know there might be some other better guy out there, but yet i choose to love him no less.
so hard to put in wordsssssssssssss

Daniel and June : love is when June and Daniel is together!

Jeffrey : haha i dunno love i mean its like theres no limit in love

Other sources : Busy, can't think.. -.-

So, from these i already concluded that they are many definitions...but what is the right one? There is none i suppose, the only way you can find out about the true definition is to actually fall in love and pull through the stable relationship until u get married and take the famous oath of "Till death do us part" only then will u find the real and true HIGHEST definition of love.

and my definition of love...

When two people meet, they talk empty talks which sumhow creates a spark to ignite the love in the air between them. After that, its only time that will tell how long they will last in the thin thread of love they two have between each other.

Till then...



NoNo said...

i cant give out definition also

pRinceTon said...

haha..normally ppl can't..thats why u see, so many definitions...xD

Zephyr said...

dude, y suddenly so emo?

pRinceTon said...

not called filling up for the days and months i've not blogged

boomdoom the shan said...

Love is hell...