Monday, November 20, 2006

Bombardment!!! is not any normal day. The 1st ever happening thing is that I(and a whole lot more ppl) need to send in their assignments. People everywhere all being busy with presentation and assignments.

So, 1st ever shocking thing is that is the 1st time i ever go to college to revise on my maths. Well...its kinda shock to me myself, but i manage to study there and actually absorb some stuff. Well, thats the 1st of it...

Then I had an unusual Writting for Business lecture class. Teacher didn't blow much today, and again normally i would be on the table sleeping like any usual lecture, but! i manage to stay awake.... I wonder if theres anything wrng...maybe i'm just scared with the outcome of the presentation.

So, everything ended fast and some of us went to the mamak shop nearby to eat whilst i went to the canteen to get some economy rice(yeah...this eco rice is much safer than TARC...) and quickly discuss with my friend about the presentation. After discussing, the other group also came and we collaborated to TRY and score as high as possible marks for the assesment. Not only is it hard to think how to escape the infrared scan the teacher uses, but thinking of re-arranging the questions so that is does not sound like we collaborated is very much tougher than escaping the infrared scanning(by the way...we had Mass Communication presentation).

Well, the presentation ended well....i hope i helped much to the other group... as i quote from the simpsons "BOMBARDMENT!!!"(with assignments... >.>)

Word of the day : Blamestorm - When a group gets together to discuss about thier failure and how to rectify it(brainstorm), they instead start to point fingers at each other!

Signing off,

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